Amazing New Record Company Risks Entire Reputation on Supernatural Duo from New Zealand.
There’s a place way south of the border that’s about as cold as you can get before hitting Antarctica. A small group of pacific islands named AOTEAROA – or as one Dutch guy who never set foot upon it called it Nouveau Zealandia. Why you would stake your reputation on such a distant location to start an award winning record company is beyond logic. And thusly two of the worlds greatest record companies amalgamate thenceforth…
If you’re anything of a punk and haven’t heard of STINK MAGNETIC RECORDS or the aptly named PRE-B.S RECORDS you might be what the French call Les Incompetence, wearily associated with all the fashionable aspects of non-conformity yet lacking in the sophisticated nuance essential to the certain Je me said quoi elevating the sad and filthy to master of unbounded rebellion. It is within the intention and poise of this genius that a strategic alliance between these two award winning institutions emerges, the MAGNETIC B.S RECORD COMPANY.
Standing at that precipice of greatness, at that godly possession of potency, lay the debut tape recordings of an appropriately unearthly creature. A vision of unearthly perception, a colossus of unquestionable authority, the immensity of filth — the BOG WOLF.
At no less appropriate time is this needed. Bog Wolf, the swamp duo hailing from actual wetlands, the team tasked with ushering in what could be the next evolution of humanity, with their debut single “Don’t Bog Me Down” — a complex introduction into the watery realm of the Bog Wolf and The Farmer, a duo of instantaneous magnetism and hit making conjurance.
Unlike pretty much any other band we think we have ever heard or seen of in the history of the Earth itself, “Don’t Bog Me Down” alludes to the moral question upon every mortals mind and the great internal struggle that is existence in monstrous times. A theme of sorts, ushering in what is to be clearly a steady cascade of number 1’s and number 2’s for the eagerly awaiting hoards.
Catalogue number MBS001 is cut into a slime green substance in highly limited numbers of mono aural glory – grab your copy of “Don’t Bog Me Down” b/w two other super hits “Outhouse Steakhouse” and the bongo driven “Dunnydin” before they make like a tree and aren’t available anymore exclusively from Christchurch, New Zealand’s RIDE ON SUPER SOUND from 9pm NZT, Wednesday December 13, 2023.
MAGNETIC B.S RECORDS wish to thank Pre-B.S and the Stink Magnetic Record companies for their service to the industry as a whole and to the furtherment of records people didn’t ask for.